We analyze within a few Consulting Sessions your Infosec project vis-a-vis the current situation dynamics, and assess your company’s current and potential level of cyber resilience. We strive for stakeholder commitment and ultimate success through raised cybersecurity awareness and continuous enhancement of onsite cybersecurity skill-set .
Having spent thousands of hours on working with clients of all sizes, engaging in problem-solving exercises, attending hundreds of International Conferences and collaborating with Cybersecurity Consultants from all over the world, today we are in a position to offer high-level Cybersecurity Advisory Services where and when you need them most.
We train resilient
Start-up | Scale-up
We provide Stealth Training for your teams
across your Cyber- Domains
As you launch and engage with your own valuable time and people resources – you need assurance that you are on the right path and that you are not drifting away at “dead waters” which may cost you dearly. With us, you can always be assured for a high-level of Confidentiality Hand-Shake as we will sign and honor the NDA Agreement that you provide, before we start delving into the details of your Project.
We co-authored: “The Paytech Book” published by Wiley via The Fintech Circle
[Georgios Raikos presenting at 2nd ISACA Athens Conference – Hellenic American Union, December 7th, 2012 – Theme: “Crisis!…What Crisis?”]
[George Raikos at – Webit Summit, Instabul Summer 2012]
[Georgios Raikos at Strategy RoundTable, Dell Security ThinkTank, Paris 2013]
[Georgios Raikos at MoneyShow 2016 – 13th Investment and Stock Exchange Conference, Athens] – www.sed.gr
[Georgios Raikos at #GHICC 2020 on June 8th 2020 in Zhejiang, China – Title: “Challenges of the ID2020 Initiative on the face of COVID19 Pandemic,” Webcast]